Between 7 and 15 April 2014 Alfa, Soul and Energy Foundation and the Electroalfa Company launched a humanitarian campaign to support the families and the elderly with difficult financial and social situations from the local community.

Organized on the occasion of Easter holidays, the humanitarian campaign “We act with energy, we give from our heart” managed to involve almost all the company’s employees, each making a contribution in money, toys for children, books, clothes and footwear, non-perishable food. The amounts of money offered by the foundation and those collected from Electroalfa’s employees were used to buy consistent packages of food, namely oil, flour, sugar, fruit and sweets for children, refrigerated products and canned food, cleaning products.

On Thursday, 17 April, the representatives of the Alfa Soul and Energy Foundation, together with 4 employees of the Electroalfa Company went to poor families in Botosani, Cristesti, Corni and Bucecea. The donations collected and the packages of food helped 17 adults or elderly and 29 children.

“The involvement of the Electroalfa employees in this humanitarian campaign initated by Alfa Soul and Energy Foundation gave us all the opportunity to fill with joy the hearts of the elderly and families with very limited financial means. We have lived the emotion of each beneficiary and this motivates us to continue our work for those who need help.”- Mioara Ciubotaru, Vicepresident of Alfa, Soul and Energy Foundation.d